MTU 2000

Tray unloader for filter rods, can handle either plastic or cardboard trays (16,000 fpm)

Basic Info

  • TECHNOLOGY: Buffering & Line Balancing Solutions
  • INDUSTRY: Tobacco
  • SEGMENT: Filters

Detailed Info

Machine depth (mm)2840
Machine height (mm)2460
Machine length (mm)2950
Machine weight (kg)1715
More Information
Other infoThe MTU 2000 is a tray unloader for filter rods. The inversion process unloads the full trays without the need to elevate them from the height of the in-feed conveyors, permitting easy access from floor level to all mechanical and electrical components.
Regulatory requirements
Safety RegulationsEN ISO 13849-1, EN ISO 13850, IEC 60204-1
Attached Files
MTU 2000 DatasheetDOWNLOAD
MTU 2000 BrochureDOWNLOAD